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"The Narrow and Challenging Way"

Entering through the narrow gate, essentially to heaven, might be an ideal final destination for​ us all and logically the requirements for it are not that difficult to follow when you have the Love of God ruling in your heart.

As covered at​ our Easter Eve's St.Maryouth's program, the first human beings due to their disobedience to God's first commandment in the Holy Bible led to what's known as the original sin. This tragic turn of events introduced into this world hardship, chaos, destruction​ and even death. In the centuries to follow we learn throughout the Old Testament the extent and magnitude of sins that had taken over the world. However, God had never abandoned us.

In fact from day one He had made a promise to Adam and Eve that He would redeem humanity by​ becoming one of us (Genesis 3:15). Our Saviour's resurrection meant a triumph over death and condemnation, as Life after death​ became a possibility. Through our Lord and Saviour and through His teachings we were given the means of entering the narrow gate of heaven.

The Holy Bible depicts in the most fascinating and amazing ways how whenever Satan plans for our harm, God always finds ways of turning things around for our welfare. For instance by eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden we were condemned, however through the means of taking Qedus Qurban (holy communion) we have been given the means of salvation. Since we are not perfect creations and continue to choose to sin against God on a daily basis, we have to keep reminding ourselves to get on the right path in our life. This is why we need to continue with the spiritual habits of: reading the Bible (to immerse ourselves in God's teachings and way of life), going​ to church, praying, fasting​, taking Qedus Qurban, and so on. Considering our habits contribute to the choices we make, to the values we uphold and the persons we become, we have to be alert to who and what we give our time, love and attention to in our lives.

​Since God has given us the privilege and gift of Free Will. It is up to each of us to choose to place Him first in our lives. We have the freedom to choose to believe in God, to be His followers, to abide or not to the Holy teachings of the Bible. Knowing the consequences, we choose whether or not we live out of the desires of our flesh or spirit.

Various temptations in life might be enticing and challenging. At times it might seem less burdensome and much easier to do what is wrong. Yet we should always strive to do the right thing... We have the ability within us to know better and therefore do better (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Let's never forget that in the end, our life has always been about us and our relationship with God. Whatever we do or not do God sees it all. We can fool others and even ourselves but never, ever God. And the hour of judgement day can be as far as a century or as soon as tomorrow. We do not know of the time (Matthew 24:36). Hence with freedom of choice comes great responsibility. We owe it to our Heavenly Father first and foremost, then to ourselves and to those around us to always do the right/christian thing no matter what, to choose to always be conscious, moral and kind.

The 7 small discussion groups of our Easter Eve program reflect some of the main Christian principles that are required of us to live by and/or be in order for us to be able to enter through the narrow gate of the kingdom of God. They were as follows:

1. Having Faith in the One and True God (as per the EOTC faith creed).

2. Faith practices (i.e. getting Baptized, taking Qedus Qurban, going to Church, Praying, Fasting, reading the Holy Bible and living according to its teachings, etc)

3. Uphold the commandments at every day of your life. If you follow the commandments of Love (not only Matthew 22:37-39 but also Matthew 5:44-48), then you would never break any of the 10 commandments Exodus 20:1-17).

4. Invest time and efforts in attending to your spiritual needs so that you grow in your faith and relationship with God. (Galatians 5: 16-26)

5. We are blessed for we come from love and we'll return back to love. We need to know our worth and live our lives from the truth of being children of the Light (by possessing and practicing the qualities of the 8 Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12), Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), etc). Live righteously, compassionately and be generous.

6. The evil done in this world is often rooted in selfishness, pride, lust for power and love of money/wealth. Our Lord urges us to detach from the values and desires of the destructive EGO and to choose the opposite in Matthew 6:19-21; Matthew 6:24; Matthew 19: 16-29; etc. Deny yourself and take up the cross (Matthew 16:24).

7. Christian Acts of Service - do unto others as you would like to be done to you (Luke 6:31). Faith without action is dead, to believe in God and be a follower of the Lord means being a servant to those around you, especially to those less fortunate in life as our Savior and His followers demonstrated to us in the Holy Bible (James 2; Matthew 25:31-46; Matthew 20:26-28).

At the center of all of these 7 principles of christian life what is essentially underlined is the importance the condition of our heart has before God (1 Samuel 16:7). It is reflected in the motivation behind our every deed (Proverbs 4:23). We must therefore be alert and examine the nature as well as the condition of our heart to ensure that it is only filled with the qualities and aspirations that are pleasing to God.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Amen.

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